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It’s always strange looking back at old photographs
of yourself for some reason,
we sometimes feel more comfortable looking at picture of others-
it’s a weird moment of reflection that occurs,
and a wave of deep introspection that engulfs you
and helps to resurface memories and emotions
you have felt which are closely associated
with unforgettable thoughts that you had
and lived every second of that you dream about sometimes
when you are under the covers.

Looking at old photos, reading back old diary entries,
experiences, and memories, that you recorded,
but forgot about-
looking and finding a piece of your past
always reminds you, and always reminds me,
instantly of where I was, who I was, what I was thinking,
and what life was showing me and guiding me to
with its many sign-posts;
reading a note that we once wrote,
and which ended up being left intact for us to find again one day,
now and forever reminds me again and again
that things happen for a reason and are meant to happen
beyond any doubt.

I have been to many places,
and I love to go back to these same places on a different day,
at a different time, with a clutch of new colours
to my life and me in-toe.
Every day, everyone, and every place is different-
even though they and we may look and feel the same,
everything and everyone changes,
life in fact dictates this for its and our own survival,
and that is the best way to think
and the best way to go.

I look back often, because memories are important to me-
as are the people that I have met, all and every one.
I take pictures of lots of things, and self-portraits of myself
everyday to record and make a moment and a memory last
for as long as it can.
I look forward, and I look around me, every day at
the people in my life, and who I see every day with my cyan-coloured eyes.
I write and capture as much as I can.
I am inspired, and I share every hello that makes me smile,
and every goodbye that makes me cry.

There are things that happen to us that are incredibly
and intensely personal, and they should be kept
and they should stay that way-
but I do believe that there are a great many things
that happen to all of us that must be shared,
because they too can light-up the life
and brighten the face of someone else and make their day.

The world can seem like a smaller place now,
because we can share any-thing and every-thing
with literally millions of people simultaneously
all around the world in an instant;
the world feels more interconnected,
and our lives have become more interlaced,
and sewn-together like a patch-work quilt.
Ever since I was a child I have always felt
someone’s presence before I saw them,
and ever since I went to school, and I started meeting
new kids and I started making friends,
I instantly realized the importance and the power,
the brilliance and the magic, of strangers,
friends, and unique once in a life-time memories.

Life begins, and passes you by in a flash
that can seem, when you look back,
to have all happened in the fraction of a second.
There is more that happens to us than we realize,
and there is more to see than could ever be seen,
by you and by me,
but I just enjoy and live every second
as if each and every one was my last on Earth,
and I love the gift of life and living free
so much that I have to write when I can
about the poetry in my heart, and all around us-
when I sit down and share with as many people as I can
the exposure of the world that I see
in my poetography.


A dandelion head bobbing in the breeze-
a common sight to those who regularly venture-out into nature,
and the appearance of which, I have to say, always puts me at ease-
is incredibly inspiring to me;
because, even though it is small in stature,
it reminds me of something greater.

Looking at the head of a dandelion, to me,
is like looking at a physical capture of the spark, the seed,
the beginning and the evolution of the universe;
looking at a dandelion, and holding a head in my hands,
evokes a sense of the delicacy of life on Earth, and beyond-
on our planet, in our seas, in the skies of distant planets,
in the constant creation and destruction of distant lands.

When you look at a dandelion,
you would think that you are looking at an explosion
that has been frozen in time-
that is because you are,
and to me that is what is the most sublime.

Dandelions- like galaxies, maybe even universes-
come in many different stages and sizes,
and within their biology dandelions have many beneficial,
necessary, and life-sustaining, surprises.

When you see the seeds of a dandelion dispersing
and being blown into the wind-
the sight and the spectacle is beautiful to see,
but witnessing it happen can also make your heart sink;
however that is the universe in the smallest
and in the most simplest of examples:
think of the universe as a dandelion in a field
and you will understand that what we see,
and what we believe we know about life,
are nothing but insights, spoilers, and samples.

A dandelion, in all its forms, is an amazing sight,
and its seeds are a reminder to me that creation goes on
like the stars of the night sky-
expanding outwards, and never going in reverse-
that is why I believe that if we are looking to call the cosmos a name,
we should seriously consider calling all of creation
“The Dandelion Universe”.


